馃敟French/ English/ Account Man | 转诇 讗讘讬讘 讜讛诪专讻讝 | 注讘讜讚讛 讘讟诇诪专拽讟讬谞讙 | 谞爪讬讙讬 诪讻讬专讜转 讟诇驻讜谞讬


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  • 诪砖专讛 馃敟French/ English/ Account Man
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A unique firm in Ramat-Gan, specializing in immigration and relocation, is looking to hire a dynamic employee to work as an account agent馃摓 and to help serve our growing client base. regulated company, located in (Ramat-Gan) 5 Min walk from train station is looking for Conversion representatives to work with clients all over the world! Come and join our family- good environment, enjoy great people, Quality & stable working place! Our representatives are making the highest bonuses! in the industry馃捀馃捀馃捀 Only hot leads!馃敟馃敟馃敟 amazing office space, "happy hour", company trips and much more! Excellent communication skills Someone energetic, confident and goal oriented Sales / Customer service experience - advantage
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